7. License Extensions

Changes in the certification information that occur during the validity of a certificate and that imply an increase (i.e. more volume, group members, sites or time), can be added to the license through license extensions.

Extension audits provide a means for certifying additional volume or new processing activities, and/or to add new area, sites and/or group members to a certificate.

Please note that there can be 1 extension submitted at a time in MultiTrace. The CB must request an extension of the license through MultiTrace before the current certificate and license of the member expires.

To extend a license, please navigate to the “Audits & License Requests” tab. Scroll down to the Licenses section and search for the member. Make sure to apply the correct search filter (e.g. select ‘Active’ if you’re looking for currently valid licenses).


Click on ‘Extend License’ to enter.


The information and documentation required for this include:

- reason for the extension

- date of the audit (if ‘Audited’ is checked)

- updated group member list (in case of group extension)


The member will get automatically a notification email once you submit the request for a license extension and once the request is approved.

The following table shows the types of extensions that are possible. A combination of two or more of the extensions listed below is also possible.



In case you receive a request from a member

To see if there are any requests for license extensions received by a member, please navigate to the “Contract Member” tab and scroll down to the bottom of the page. In the “Member Requests” section you will find requests for license extensions: