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Welcome to the learning plan of IMS Staff- trainers and Technical Assistants. Here you can find the overview of all the essential learning interventions applicable for trainers that train group members. Our E-courses have an open access and are immediately available. Face-2-face trainings and online trainings on the other hand depend on the schedule of each country. Please contact the training coordinator in your country, see list below, to get invited in one of the scheduled trainings.
Deliver the f2f training on the 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standards and Certification Rules to Certificate holders
Learn to deliver the face to face training on the 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standards and Certification Rules to certificate holders.
Learning objectives
Recognize which topics are relevant for pre-merger RA - and pre-merger UTZ -Certified members.
Interpret the assignments from the trainer's guide and tailor it to your context including handouts and slides.
Get prepared to implement the script, evaluate your experience and report suggestions for improvement.
Type: Face-to-face | Length: 4-5 days + coaching (optional) | Trainer: (tbd)
Type : Online | Length: 6 hours (2 days) + individual preparation 30 hours + coaching (optional) | Trainer: (tbd)
Enrollment method: Personal invitation
Deliver the online training on the 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standards and Certification Rules to Certificate holders
Learn to deliver the online training on the 2020 Sustainable Agriculture Standards and Certification Rules to certificate holders.
Learning objectives
Recognize which topics are relevant for pre-merger RA - and pre-merger UTZ -Certified members.
Interpret the assignments from the trainer's guide and tailor it to your context including handouts and slides.
Get prepared to implement the script, evaluate your experience and report suggestions for improvement.
Type : Online | Length: 25 hours (5 sessions of 3 hours) + (individual preparations 10 hours) + coaching (optional) | Trainer: (tbd)
Enrollment method: Personal invitation
Welcome to the e-course on the Sustainable Agriculture Standard 2020. This course will provide you with in-depth and practical understanding of all topics in the standard. Each requirement is explained through photos, illustrations and real examples from the field. There are also short-case studies that are presented throughout the course in the form of quizzes so that you can self-assess your level of understanding. This course is under development and new modules will be added on a weekly basis. In the next few months, all 38 modules will be available to cover all topics in the standard.
Learning objectives
Lean to implement the standard on a farm or a group by understanding each requirement in depth, through visual explanation, practical examples from the field and interactive quizzes.
Type: E-course | Length: 5 hour | Trainer: Reiko Enomoto
Enrollment method: Open access
Pre-requisite: N/a
Many people begin their training career by gaining training delivery skills. These are important, but did you know there is another vital set of skills that can lift your trainings to a much higher level? Learning how to design trainings with a structure of effective tools and frameworks will support you in achieving your training objectives and will contribute to delivering trainings effortless and artfully.
Learning objectives
Find the elements that placing the participants and their needs at the heart of your training.
Identify adult learning strategies that allow you to design a program that motivates participants and enables learning.
Understand how to prepare for implementation
Analyze and evaluate the results of training based on four levels of criteria.
Type: E-course
Length: 4 hours
Enrollment method: Open access
Trainer: - Rene Pieneman
Pre-requisite: N/a
You may find yourself in a confident position when delivering a training resulting in a great learning experience for you and for the participants. Maybe you have even already learned from your pitfalls and are enjoying a deep sense of fulfillment when you contribute to the development of peoples' lives with your well prepared face to face trainings. The truth is that reality nowadays poses different challenges for trainers. What to do when Covid-19 regulations prevent people from getting together in a training room? Or when there is simply no opportunity to travel and to meet each other in person? In that situation you can benefit from online strategies that simulates a face 2 face training.
Learning objectives
Understand the advantages and acknowledge the limitations of an online (sensory poor) training.
Apply role-play as a participatory online exercise to bridge gaps in skills and attitude.
Manage energy levels and encourage online participation, track progress, support continuity, regularly check time and adjust.
Ensure learning outcomes and evaluate a participant’s competence with feedback from observers. Manage online group dynamics and create a safe and positive learning climate.
Type: Online | Length: 12 hours (3 days) | Trainer: (tbd)
Enrollment method: Personal invitation
Zoom helps our organization bringing teams together in a cloud platform for video, voice and content sharing.
It also enables our trainers to connect with their learners across mobile devices, desktops, telephones and room systems.
Learning objectives
Recognize the differences in functionalities of the free and paid version.
Schedule a Zoom session, share the invitation, record the session.
Mute and unmute participant(s) share your screen, setup a poll, assign a co-host.
Setup a breakout room, allocate participants, broadcast messages and set a timer.
Type: Online | Length: 6 hours (2 days) | Trainer: (tbd)
Enrollment method: Personal invitation
Pre-requisite: N/a
As a trainer, contributing to the development of peoples' lives enhancing their experiences gives us a deep sense of fulfilment and pleasure. At the same time, being a trainer is a continuous learning experience that can be tough at times: we are often confronted with pitfalls and challenging group dynamics. The good news is that we can easily increase our success by learning to better design our courses and tailor those to the needs of our target audiences. Some key elements to take into account when doing so are the adult learning cycle principles and the application of practical tips to deliver a great learning experience. All of this should be in line to the standards of the Training and Learning department.
Learning objectives
Design learning objectives to bridge gaps in knowledge, skills and attitude. And ensure learning outcomes.
Distinguish Kolb's learning styles and demonstrate flexibility in the application.
Practice participatory training methods, manage expectations and understand the concept of brain-based learning
Manage group dynamics, learn to deal with resistance and create a positive learning climate.
Apply constructive feedback and build learner motivation
Communicate effectively by creating rapport, read body language and establish credibility as a trainer.
Type: Face-face | Length: 4 days | Trainers: (tbd)
Enrollment method: Personal invitation
Pre-requisite: (N/a)